Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of the more frequently asked questions:
What is VolunteersWork?
VolunteersWork is an organization that was created to link Washington, D.C. area Muslims with volunteer opportunities in their community. Visit About Us for more information about the VolunteersWork program.
How can I become a volunteer?
Becoming a volunteer is made simple through VolunteersWork. Visit Become A Volunteer for detailed information on ways to become an active member of the volunteer community and to access the agency directory. The directory is an organized listing of local organizations seeking eager volunteers.
I want to volunteer in a specific area. Can VolunteersWork help me with that?
We maintain a diverse collection of D.C. metropolitan area agencies seeking volunteers. The Agency Directory is sorted by state to make the search process simple. This feature enables you to save time when searching for that perfect service opportunity.
My volunteer experience is not what I hoped it would be.
There are bound to be times when things just aren’t what we imagined them to be. VolunteersWork understands that and we have made sure that you have several community service options to choose from. If you ever find that you are less than pleased with your volunteer experience speak with the contact person at that organization for help. Also, we welcome your comments and suggestions. Contact us directly and we will be glad to help. Alternatively, there is no limit to the number of volunteer opportunities that you can take advantage of until you find the perfect fit!
How do I arrange for an entire group to volunteer?
Many agencies are seeking multiple volunteers to serve at their location. Our
Agency Directory lists these agencies by state and includes details about the agency and their contact information. If a group would like to participate in a one time event (i.e., a fundraising event, neighborhood cleanup, Habitat for Humanity project), visit
One Time Opportunities for featured events seeking groups of volunteers. If you need additional help, contact VolunteersWork directly. We are glad to help!
Does VolunteersWork have partnerships outside of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area?
Currently, VolunteersWork is organized to serve only the D.C. metro area. That area covers Washington, D.C., Maryland and northern Virginia. We hope to expand our reach in the future. Please check back periodically for updates to our network.
Does VolunteersWork accept donations?
We are honored that you share our vision of strengthening the community be serving the community. Please contact us to communicate directly with our staff regarding donations to VolunteersWork.
What about advertising space?
We are pleased that you are interested in advertising on the VolunteersWork website. Please contact us and the VolunteersWork staff will communicate with you directly to answer all of your questions regarding ad space.
Where do you get your inspirational quotes?
VolunteersWork has a special treasure trove of encouraging quotes that we have picked up along our journey. There is no one source. Every month we choose a new gem to share with our volunteer community. We hope that our quotes inspire you as much as they do us.
If your question is not featured here we are happy to answer many of your questions directly. Please visit our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you!
Photos and media coverage of Muslims in service.
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