Photos and media coverage of Muslims in service.
Providing the answers to your questions.
VolunteersWork wants to hear what you have to say.
The Mission
VolunteersWork is an organization that serves the Muslim community in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The program provides a centralized portal into the world of volunteerism and is dedicated to the virtues of selflessness and unity through positive service to the community. VolunteersWork is committed to promoting partnerships that bring together the entire Washington area Muslim community...and beyond.
VolunteersWork is an initiative of the Institute for Intercultural Relations, a nonprofit publishing organization (501(c)(3)) dedicated to promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation. To learn more about the Institute please visit their website.
We encourage all individuals, regardless of their culture or their faith, to share in the Islamic ideals of cooperation and compassion by volunteering to serve those that urgently need our help.
What We Offer
This website is a link for prospective volunteers to partner with a choice of several non-profit agencies in the D.C. metropolitan area. We provide a listing of service opportunities as well as information on how to become a volunteer for those who need advice on where to start. Inshallah (G-d willing), in the near future VolunteersWork will offer a free service that allows interested volunteers to receive emails on newly posted volunteer events and the latest agency partnerships.
For The Non-Profit Organizations
When seeking potential volunteers exposure is everything. VolunteersWork offers volunteers a convenient agency directory. If your local organization is interested in being featured in our directory we make it easy for you to sign up. Learn More
Agencies are also invited to register specific one day or short-term projects and events to be featured in the One Time Opportunities section of our website. Learn More
About Us