See Us In Action
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama stand with a group of volunteers with Siyad Jama’s future home in the background. Brother Jama has benefited from the nationwide Habitat For Humanity housing program.
(Photo by Ralph Alswang, Washington, D.C.)
An early morning welcome for the Habitat volunteers.
President Obama waves to the crowd of Habitat for Humanity volunteers.
(Photo by Ralph Alswang, Washington, D.C.)
AmeriCorps volunteer Randal McKoy (left) and Irshad Abdal-Haqq (right) work with home recipient, Siyad Jama (middle) at the Northeast, D.C. Habitat site. Brothers Irshad and Siyad are members of the Masjid Muhummad in Washington, D.C.
Photos and media coverage of Muslims in service.
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