
Join Our Directory

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea”.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

How To Register In The Online Directory

We invite non-profit organizations to utilize our network to reach motivated volunteers.  Registering with VolunteersWork is a simple process...

Click here to access the registration form.  This brief form asks for basic information like your agency’s contact information, volunteer requirements and a short description of the service that you provide the community.

After completing the form, your organization’s information will be added to the Agency Directory.  This listing is available to all volunteers who are seeking a service opportunity that they feel will be a good fit.

What’s Next?

Interested volunteers will then contact your organization directly.  From there you and your motivated volunteer begin the process of partnering for a mutual cause. 

At this time VolunteersWork does not maintain a database of volunteers.  All contact and correspondence is to be conducted between the agency and volunteer directly.

Additional Benefits

VolunteersWork also maintains an up to date One Time Opportunities feature.  If your organization is seeking volunteers for a one day or short term event we invite you to register that event with us.  We will highlight your event and direct prospective volunteers to contact your agency’s coordinator directly. 

Learn More

Coming soon

Inshallah (G-d willing), VolunteersWork will introduce an RSS feed and email updates for visiting volunteers giving them access to the latest service opportunities.  We can quickly send your one time event or recent directory listing directly to enthusiastic individuals dedicated to service in the community.  

See Us In Action!

Photos and media coverage of Muslims in service.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Providing the answers to your questions.

Contact Us

VolunteersWork wants to hear what you have to say.